Mezinárodní olympiáda ze základů věd

Fedor Filippovich Konyuhov


Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov

Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 on the shore of the Sea of Azov. His father, Filipp Mikhailovich, was a descendant of fishermen-coast-dwellers from Arkhangelskaya province, and his mother, Mariya Efremovna, came from Bessarabia.

Since his childhood, Fedor Filippovich showed a desire to travel and open the whole diversity of the world for himself. He went on his first expedition at the age of 15 – he crossed the Sea of Azov on a fishing row boat.

By the age of 50 Fedor Filippovich had made more than 40 unique expeditions and climbings, expressing his vision of the world in books and pictures.

In 1983 Mr Konyukhov was included into the Union of Artists of the USSR (he was the youngest member at that time). Since 1996 he has been a member of the Moscow Union of Artists (MUA), section “Graphics”, and since 2001 he has been included into the section “Sculpture” of the MUA as well.

Fedor Filippovich is the Laureate of the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, an author of more than 3.000 pictures. He is a participant of the Russian and international exhibitions.

Fedor Filippovich is a member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. He is an author of nine books.

Mr Konyukhov is a deep-sea master and yacht captain. He made four around-the-world cruises, crossed the Atlantic fifteen times and once did it on a row boat. Fedor Filippovich is the Merited Master of Sports.

He is awarded with the Order of Friendship of Peoples of the USSR, the UNEP Prize “GLOBAL 500” – for his contribution into protection of the environment. Mr Konyukhov is a holder of the UNESCO Prize “For Honest Game”.

Fedor Filippovich is included into “MANKIND CHRONICLE” encyclopedia. He is a full member of the Russian Geographical Society.

Mr Konyukhov is the Honorary Citizen of the city of Nakhodka (Primorsky region, Russia), the city of Terni (Italy) and the settlement of Bergin (Kalmykia, Russia). He is the Honorary Citizen of the village of Chkalovo (Priazovsky area of Zaporozhskaya region), Honorary Citizen of Zaporozhskaya region (Ukraine), Honorary Citizen of Priazovsky area of Zaporozhskaya region, Honorary Citizen of the village of Kirillovka (Akimovsky area of Zaporozhskaya region).

Fedor Filippovich is awarded with the Order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer of Class I for diligent and exemplary work for the benefit of the Holy God Orthodox Church.

Mr Konyukhov is the first traveler in the world who reached five poles of our planet:

the North Geographic Pole (three times)

the South Geographic Pole

the Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean

Mount Everest (pole of altitude)

Cape Horn (pole of yachtsmen)

He is the first Russian who fulfilled the program “Grand Slam” (the North Pole, South Pole, Everest).

Since 1998 Fedor Filippovich has been the Head of Laboratory for Distance Learning in Extreme Conditions (LDLEC) at Modern Academy for the Humanities.

On December 19, 2010 Fedor Konyukhov took the chaplainship.

On May 19, 2012 Fedor Konyukhov made climbing to the top of Everest through the Northern Ridge (on the side of Tibet) as a member of the Russian team “7 Tops”. He became the first priest of the Russian Orthodox Church who climbed to Everest.

The year of 2012 was an anniversary year for the Russian mountaineering: 30-year anniversary from the moment of the first climbing to Everest by the team of the USSR (May 1982), as well as 20-year anniversary from the moment of the first Russian expedition to Everest (May 1992) were celebrated.

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