Uluslararası Bilim  Temelleri Bilgi Yarışması

XXI.Uluslararası Bilim Temelleri Bilgi Yarışması 2024-2025

Yarışma Branşları


Biyoloji branşı 6.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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Kimya branşı 9.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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İngilizce branşı 5.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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Coğrafya branşı 9.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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Almanca branşı 5.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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The History Olympiad objectives:

  • to develop students’ cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in historical sciences;
  • to promote patriotism and respect for our native history and traditions, human rights and liberties;
  • to develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and views on historically formed systems of social standards and values in everyday life in order to participate in cultural interaction;
  • to facilitate the acquisition of methods of historical research and the ability to handle different sources of historical knowledge;
  • to contribute to the formation of value orientations in learning historically formed cultural, religious, and ethnic and national traditions.
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Bilim Teknoloji

The Informatics Olympiad objectives are:

  • to acquire skills of processing different types of data via the computer and other facilities of information and communication technologies, to organize one’s own information activity and predict its results;
  • to develop responsible attitude to information regarding legal and ethic sides of data distribution, and to promote selective attitude to the received data;
  • to develop the fundamental knowledge of information, informational processes, systems, techniques, and simulators;
  • to reveal the students’ level of creativity and initiative in the application of information and communication technologies;
  • to build an ability and readiness to apply information technologies in practical use in the modern world.
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Matematik branşı 5.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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Fizik branşı 9.-11.sınıflar için uygundur.

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The Literature Olympiad objectives:

  • to raise a morally developed personality, to build humanitarian mentality, to develop civic awareness and patriotic feelings, love of and respect for literature and values of native culture;
  • to develop creative and analytical thinking, reading culture and awareness of the author’s position, to form basic notions of the literature specific features among other arts;
  • to master abilities to read and analyse creative works employing basic literature notions and necessary information on history of literature, to identify specifically historical and universal features of literary works, to use the standard Russian language correctly in producing one’s own oral and written utterances;
  • to support treatment of literature as a part of universal culture.
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Sosyal bilgi

The Social Studies Olympiad objectives:

  • to reveal students’ social competencies, their ability to solve academic tasks, to handle different sources of social knowledge, to assess social phenomena and to present one’s own view on topical social issues;
  • to promote the Russian identity, civic awareness, legal consciousness, tolerance, and commitment to human and democracy values guaranteed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • to master the abilities to obtain and critically assess social information, analyse and sum up the received data, to practise cognitive, communicative, practical activities vital for participation in the life of civil society and the state;
  • to gain experience of using the acquired knowledge and skills in solving typical problems in social interactions, civil activities, personal relations, interactions between individuals of different national and religious identity, in the domestic sphere, in order to correlate one’s own and others’ actions with standards of behaviour stated by law, to assist legal ways of law enforcement in society.
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