В этом учебном году в ноябре стартует II Всероссийская Олимпиада в сфере среднего профессионального образования. Присоединяйтесь к нашему Олимпиадному СПО-движению!!!
Computer science
Bases of safety of life activity
Russian language and culture of speech
Math and Analysis
Password restoration
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The Informatics Olympiad objectives are:
to acquire skills of processing different types of data via the computer and other facilities of information and communication technologies, to organize one’s own information activity and predict its results;
to develop responsible attitude to information regarding legal and ethic sides of data distribution, and to promote selective attitude to the received data;
to develop the fundamental knowledge of information, informational processes, systems, techniques, and simulators;
to reveal the students’ level of creativity and initiative in the application of information and communication technologies;
to build an ability and readiness to apply information technologies in practical use in the modern world.
to develop students’ cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in historical sciences;
to promote patriotism and respect for our native history and traditions, human rights and liberties;
to develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and views on historically formed systems of social standards and values in everyday life in order to participate in cultural interaction;
to facilitate the acquisition of methods of historical research and the ability to handle different sources of historical knowledge;
to contribute to the formation of value orientations in learning historically formed cultural, religious, and ethnic and national traditions.
to promote a conviction that Chemistry plays a positive role in modern society, and that a competent attitude for one’s health and the environment is necessary;
to master an ability to apply the gained knowledge for explanation of various chemical phenomena and substance properties, for assessment of the role of Chemistry in the development of new techniques and obtainment of new materials;
to apply the gained knowledge and skills for the safe use of substances and materials for everyday life, agricultural and industrial needs, and for prevention of the phenomena harmful to human health and the environment;
to introduce the students to ecological culture, to teach them to analyse the impact of chemicals on the environment.