International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

Sirotkin Alexander Semenovich


Doctor of Technical Sciences. Member of the All-Russian Society of Biotechnologists. Professor. Dean - Faculty of Food Technology. Head of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology.


XI International Contest in biology is held in honor of Alexander Semenovich Sirotkin


Doctor of Technical Sciences

Member of all-Russian society of biotechnologists


Dean of Faculty of food technology

Head of Department “Industrial biotechnology”

In 1989 Sirotkin A.S. graduated with honors from the Bioengineering Department of Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute named after S.M. Kirov (KCTI), major “Biotechnology”. After university he was a postgraduate student of Kazan State Technological University (KSTU), upon completion of which in 1993 he was presented and successfully defended his thesis on the theme “The intensification of the process of industrial wastewater treatment by biosorptional method” in the field 03.00.23 - Biotechnology and 11.00.11 - Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources (supervisors: associate professor, Candidate in Technical Sciences Nagaev V.V. and professor, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences Emelyanov V.M.). During studying at postgraduate school from 1989 to 1992 he was a fellow of governmental scholarship of Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists.

In 1994 he became the winner and the owner of the diploma of the 1st degree in the research works contest of International Humanitarian Fund “Knowledge” “Young talents” in the area of ecologically clean biochemical technologies.

He was an engineer, then assistant, associate professor at the Department of Chemical cybernetics at Kazan State Technological University, later Professor of the same Department.

In 1999 Alexander Semenovich was enrolled in doctorate at KSTU, which was completed with the presentation and defence of Ph.D. thesis in 2003 on the theme “Technological and ecological foundations of biosorptional process of wastewater treatment” in the field 03.00.23 - Biotechnology and 03.00.16 - Ecology (scientific adviser: Professor, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences Emelyanov V.M.).

During his scientific activity he has been a member of the international research within the scientific internship at Technical University, Hamburg (1993-1994), Technical University, Munich (1999), University in Karlsruhe (2003, 2007). He was an organizer of the international practices of students in biotechnology in 2006, 2008, 2013 at Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany, Technical University in Darmstadt, Germany, University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Uzti-nad-labem, Czech Republic, company VTA Austria GmbH, Austria and other.

He trained 10 Candidates of Sciences. He manages and advises the work of postgraduate students and candidate for a degree of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences.

In 2005 Sirotkin A.S. was elected from among other candidates as a head of the Department of Industrial biotechnology at Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU, KSTU, KCTI).

From March 2014 he is a Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology at KNRTU, and part-time head of the Department of Industrial biotechnology.

Area of scientific interests:

• Engineering biology and biotechnology of wastewater (effective technological schemes, cumulative microbial culture, bioaugmentation);

• Aggregation of microorganisms (flocculi, biofilms, microbial granules);

• Biofilter and bioregenerative of industrial adsorbents;

• Bioconversion of food raw materials and waste.

Main scientific achievements:

• “Modernization of work places for wastewater treatment of Thiokol production using biosorptional materials to improve the quality of cleaning and sharp reduction in the payment for water pollution” (1992)

• “Thermophilic microorganisms in biodeactivation systems of oil and fat plants waste” (research internship for DAAD scholarship (1993-1994), Technical University, Hamburg, Germany)

• “Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and the stability of treatment facilities of OAO ‘Nizhnekamskneftekhim” (1998-1999)

• “Biosorptional wastewater treatment processes” (in the framework of Inter-regional scientific and technical program of the Russian Federation “Technologies of living systems” (1997-2000))

• “Formation and studies of the properties of aerobic microbial granules”; “The formation of pure microbial cultures biofilms on solid surfaces” (scientific internship for DAAD scholarships with participation in government research project “SFB 411” (1999-2001), Technical University, Munich, Germany)

• “Ensuring the required quality of wastewater treatment and the stability of treatment facilities under the conditions of expansion of Thiokol production at OJSC “Kazan synthetic rubber plant” (2001)

• “Biotransformation of nitrogen compounds in the biofiltration of wastewater systems” (research internship for DAAD scholarship (2003), University in Karlsruhe, Germany)

• “Integrated biotransformation of nitrogen compounds in the biofiltration of wastewater processes” (Federal Science and Innovation Agency grant for young scientists, 2006; Investment and Venture Fund of Tatarstan, 2010)

• Identification of nitrogen and sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms in mixed populations (Algarysh grant of Government and the Ministry of education of Tatarstan (2007), University in Karlsruhe, Germany)

Teaching activities: lectures, laboratory and practical training courses on:

• theoretical foundations of biotechnology (specialist’s, bachelor's degree);

• biotechnology (specialist's degree);

• modern problems of biotechnology (master’s degree);

• methods of bioremediation of natural environments (master’s degree)

• student practice in the region, in Russia and in foreign partner institutions (Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, Technical University in Darmstadt, Germany, University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, Uzti-nad-Labem, Czech Republic, company VTA Austria GmbH, Austria)

• management of the term and graduation theses.

The total number of scientific and scientific and methodical publications is about 200.

Hobbies: special literature and fiction; physical culture, including 99% of football; music, preferably rock'n'roll of the eighties of XX century; family and social life.




В 1994 году стал лауреатом и обладателем диплома 1-й степени в конкурсе исследовательских работ Международного гуманитарного фонда "Знание" "Молодые дарования" в области экологически чистых биохимических технологий.

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