International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

Geyn Nina Aronovna

Computer science

Нина Ароновна Гейн - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент УрФУ.

Преподаватель информатики в Специализированном учебно-научном центре Уральского федерального университета (профильные математико-информационные классы). 

Председатель предметной подкомиссии ЕГЭ по информатике Свердловской области.



Gein Nina Aronovna was born on December 03, 1954 in the city of Kharkov. In 1972 she graduated from school No. 27 with advanced study of Physics and Mathematics, and in 1977 Nina Aronovna graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Kharkov State University named after A.M. Gorky. After graduation from the University, she worked as a teacher of Mathematics at school for two years, and since 1979 Ms Gein, invited by the Academician A.P. Ershov, began working in the Akademgorodok (Science Campus) in the city of Novosibirsk as a member of the group of developers of the school Computer Science project. It was the group where the software was created for the course of Computer Science which appeared in curriculums of schools in the USSR in 1985.


In 1989 N.A. Gein moved to the city of Sverdlovsk, where she continued scientific work on methodology of teaching Computer Science to students at the Fundamental Research Laboratory for the use of computer equipment in an educational process, and then Nina Aronovna was engaged in teaching at the Department for Information Technologies of Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical University (at the present time it is Ural State Pedagogical University) as well.

Since 1999 until the present time, Ms Gein has been working as the Associate Professor at the Specialized Educational-Scientific Center of Ural State University (which was included into the structure of Ural Federal University in 2011). This educational institution, as well as the similar SESCs in Moscow, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg, is aimed at advanced training of students who demonstrate an ability to study various subjects, including Computer Science and Information Technologies. The students from the whole Ural Federal District study at the SESC of UFU.

In 1994 N.A. Gein defended Candidate’s thesis in Pedagogics on the subject: “Contents and Methods of Distance Learning of Computer Science Using an Example of a Programming Correspondence School”; she was conferred with a title of the Associate Professor in 2000.

Ms Gein’s area of expertise is methodology of teaching Computer Science and Mathematics. She is an author of more than 40 research papers. 4 school textbooks in Computer Science included into the federal set of textbooks and 1 book from the national-regional component were created with participation of N.A. Gein (her pseudonym is N.A. Yunerman). These books include the textbooks for the students from 7-9th classes which are used for training of students in many regions of Russia and the textbooks for the students from 10-11th classes which provide studying of the Computer Science at the basic and subject-oriented levels. And the aforementioned textbooks are especially actively applied at schools, where more time is given to learning of the Computer Science. N.A. Gein used her experience in teaching for creation of more than 10 guides in teaching Computer Science for teachers and students. Nina Aronovna is awarded with a silver medal of the VDNKH (Exhibition of Economic Achievements) of the USSR for development of applied programs package for the system of education.

N.A. Gein began teaching Programming to students when she was a student of the 4th course at the University. Later she combined scientific activities at the Academic Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR with work at school, and within some years – from 1980 to 1988 – she was the Director or Deputy Director at the first summer computer school in the USSR which was held under the aegis of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and gathered the students not only from different regions of the country, but from some countries of the socialist commonwealth as well.

When holding of the All-Union (1988) and All-Russian (1989) Olympiads for Students in Computer Science began to take place, Nina Aronovna was a member of the Jury for both Olympiads. She has been a permanent head of the team of students from Sverdlovsk region at the All-Russian Olympiad in Computer Science for almost 10 years already. The winners and prize-winners of this Olympiad are among the students of Nina Aronovna Gein.

In 2009 she became the Laureate of the All-Russian Competition among the best teachers from comprehensive schools.





Лауреат премии президента «Лучшие учителя России».

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