International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

Chudinov Anatoliy Prokopievich

Chudinov Anatoliy Prokopievich

Ph.D., professor, Pro-rector for Research and Innovation, Ural State Pedagogical University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Anatoliy Prokopievich graduated from Perm State University (1969 – 1974), then finished post-graduate courses of Moscow State Pedagogical University (1976 – 1979). He was a student of academician Dmitriy Nickolaevich Shmelev. In 1979 he defended a thesis on the subject «Lexis of Existence in the Modern Russian Language» and became a candidate of Philological Sciences.

Since 1982 A.Ch. has been working at Ural State Pedagogical University. In 1985 he became an assistant professor. In 1990 he passed his Ph.D. defense on the subject «Regular Semantic Variation in Russian Verbal Lexis».

In 1991 A.Ch. was awarded a professor rank and became Head of Chair of the Russian Language and Its Teaching Methodology. Later on, he has been holding a Chair of Rhetoric and Intercultural Communication.

Anatoliy Prokopievich Chudinov presides a Thesis Board on the specialities 10.02.01 (the Russian Language) and 10.02.20 (Comparative Linguistics, Linguistic Typology and Contrastive Linguistics). More than 80 candidate and Ph.D. theses have been defended under his guidance.

His interests include such fields of science as political linguistics, advertisement language, cognitive linguistics, intercultural communication, rhetoric and elocution, lingvodidactics. He is Chief Editor of “Political Linguistics” magazine. A. Ch. authors 18 books and over 300 other publications. His manuals “Political Linguistics” (translated into Chinese) and “The Basics of Communication Theory” are used in the universities of different Russian regions, in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, China, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

In 2000 A.Ch. was granted a title of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the grants of the following agencies: the United States Information Agency in 1994-1995; the Department of Education, Russian Federation, in 2001; the Russian Humanitarian Foundation in 2003, 2005, 2007 – 2012; the Russkiy Mir Foundation (the “Russian World Fund”) in 2011, etc. He lectured as a visiting professor in North-Eastern Illinois University (USA), Guangdong University (China), Jilin Institute of Foreign languages (China), Budapest State University (Hungary), Lodz University (Poland), etc.; made reports at the international conferences in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Chicago (USA), Guangzhou and Qiu Chuji (China), Lodz (Poland), Budapest (Hungary), Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), Kiev and Odessa (Ukraine), Daugavpils (Latvia), Samarkand (Uzbekistan), etc.

Since 2005 Anatoliy Chudinov has been the Pro-rector for Research and Innovation at Ural State Pedagogical University.

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