International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

Boris Kochurov


Boris Ivanovich Kochurov is a Russian scientist in the field of geoecology and cartography, a researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and editor-in-chief of the journal Problems of Regional Ecology.


Kochurov Boris Ivanovich,


Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences

Date and place of birth: August 31, 1946, Volyn region, Goloby area, village Melnitsa.

The main stages of labor, research and teaching activities:

In 1964 he entered Irkutsk State University. In 1964 he transferred to Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Geography. In 1969 he graduated with honors from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

From 1969 to 1978 he worked in Irkutsk at Institute of Geography of Siberia and the Far East of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian branch, first as an intern, then as a senior laboratory assistant, researcher and scientific secretary of the Institute.

In 1979-1986 he was a senior researcher of the Department of Prospects for the use of the land resources of State Research Institute of Land Resources.

From 1986 to the present time he is a senior researcher of the Department of Physical geography and environmental management aspects of Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences, head of environmental assessment, mapping and ecodiagnostics group. In 1986 he graduated from Higher School of Management of Agriculture.

In 1974 he defended the thesis of Candidate of Science in Geographical Sciences at the Dissertation Council of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on the theme “Geochemistry of steppe geological systems of Minusinsk basin”. In 1981-1989 he was a scientific secretary of the USSR Committee on Land resources, and participant of the task group “Natural resources of the USSR” of the Scientific Council on the aspects of scientific and technical and social and economic forecasting of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the State committee for science and technology.

In 1994 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in Geographic Sciences at Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences on the theme “Spatial analysis of ecological situations”. From 1995 to 2013 he worked as a chief editor of the Russian social and scientific periodical “Problems of regional ecology”. From 1996 to 2008 he was an executive director of the fund “Independent center for ecological safety of consumers”.

From 2003 to 2013 he was CEO of the publishing house “Camertone”. From 2010 to 2013 he was a member of Inter-committee working group of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation on industry modernization. Since 2011 he is a Vice-President of the all-Russian industrial association of employers “Ecosphere”. From 2012 he is an Expert of the environmental section of the Scientific and technical Council of State Unitary Enterprise “NIiPI General Plan of Moscow”.

Research, operating and teaching activities.

Research: Led by Kochurov B.I. on a single methodological basis there were created the first environmental maps of the USSR, Russia and other countries and regions (about 30 maps). He was awarded the diplomas and rewards for the development and mapping. He successfully developed the aspects of environmental zoning and environmental risks. The work culminated in the preparation of the following maps: “Zoning of the territory of Russia according to the degree of environmental stress”, “Map of the risk of environmental emergencies on the territory of Russia”, “Complex zoning of the territory of Russia according to environmental and social and economic situation” and several regional geoecological maps.

In recent years Kochurov B.I. works a lot in the field of energy resources efficiency and environmental management, environmentally friendly and balanced development of the country and regions, geoecological forecasting, land use, land management and organization of the territory, land law, urbanology, and problems of global changes of nature and climate.

Kochurov B.I. took an active part in the preparation of a number of National and State reports on environmental protection of Russia and a number of commissions of the State Duma and working groups on project appraisal.

Research interests:

Geoecology, environmental assessment and mapping, environmental issues of energy, land use, land register and monitoring, land management, spatial planning, environmental economics, energy and environmental efficiency, quality of life.

Participation in Russian and international research projects, grants, programs, conferences.

The Federal Target Program “Research and development on priority directions of development of scientific and technical complex of Russia for 2007-2012” State contract No. 02.515.11.5007.

The holding of the First International Caucasus Environmental Forum in Grozny, October 2013.

Training of scientific personnel (Candidates and Doctors of Sciences)

Under the leadership of Kochurov B.I. 40 theses of Candidate of Sciences were defended. He is a scientific consultant of ten Ph.D. theses.

Membership in Dissertation Councils

Kochurov B.I. was a member of several Dissertation Councils for conferring of a Ph.D. in Geographical Sciences at Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State Regional University. Currently he is a member of Dissertation Councils at Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences in Geographical Sciences, and Vladimir State University in Biological Sciences and MIIGAiK in Technical Sciences.

Information about participation in scientific societies, honorary titles:

He is an active member of the Russian geographical society, active member of International Academy for Future Studies, active member of International Academy of Informatization, active member of International Academy of ecology, man and nature safety.

Other information

He is one of the founders of scientific periodicals: “Problems of regional ecology”, “Ecology of urbanized territories”, “The South of Russia: environment, development”, “Theoretical and applied ecology”.


He is an author of over 500 scientific publications, including 12 monographs and education guidance.

Among them:

• Regional problems of health of the Russian population. Resp. Ed. Belyakov V.D. - M: VINITI. - 1993 – 334 p. (group of authors),

• Kochurov B. I. Geoecology: ecodiagnostic and ecological and economic balance of the territory – Smolensk: SSU, 1994 - 154 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Geography of environmental situations (ecodiagnostics of territory). - M., 1997.- 156 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Ecodiagnostic and balanced development. - M, - Smolensk: Magenta, 2003. – 384 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Antipova A. V., Kostovska S. K. Current ecological situation in Russia and its forecasting. - M.: IES. - 2005 – 52 p.,

• Ivanov Yu. G., Kochurov B. I. Municipal land law. - M., 1998. - 47 p.,

• Kochurov B., Smirnov A. Effectiveness of regional environmental management. Regional relationship of population-area-resources-economy. Creative activity of the population. The virtue of the people// Economic strategies, No. 3, 2007 (53) - p.32-44,

• Environmental Resources and Constraints in the Former Soviet Republics. - Edited by Philip R. Pryde Westview Press/ - Boulder - San Francisco - Oxford. - 1995. - 386 p. (group of authors),

• Kochurov B. I., Shishkin D. Yu., Kostovska S. K., Antipova A. V. Geoecological mapping: education guidance. M: publishing center “Academy”, 2009. 192 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Resilience of ecosystems to the emission of gas pipelines. /Bashkin V.N., Kazak A.S., Snakin V. V., Priputina I. V., Khrisanov R. V., Kochurov B. I. / Moscow-Smolensk: Universum, 2002. - 231 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Ecology of the city: the textbook for higher educational institutions of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation / Azhgirevich A.I., Azarov V.N., etc./ - M. - Volgograd: PrinTerra-Design, 2010. - 816 p.,

• Kochurov B. I. Criteria for comparing the efficiency of energy resources, “limits to growth” or economy of “gentle” /Sokolov A.N., Kochurov B. I./ //Problems of regional ecology. 2013. No. 1. p. 115-123.,

• Kochurov B. I. Some aspects of the problem of oil extraction peak in the context of the economy of “gentle” /Sokolov A.N., Kochurov B. I./ //Problems of regional ecology. 2013. No. 2. p. 7-14.



Действительный член Русского географического общества, действительный член Международной Академии исследований будущего, действительный член Международной Академии информатизации, действительный член Международной Академии наук экологии, безопасности человека и природы.

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