International Basic Sciences Knowledge Contest

International Contest «Russian as a foreign language»

Русский язык как иностранный



− Autonomous non-profit organization “Teacher’s House of the Ural federal district”, the city of Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation;

− State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training

 "Ural State Pedagogical University", Institute of Philology, Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication, the city of Yekaterinburg, the Russian Federation.

The Contest is held with the support of foreign partner organizations.

Russian is the working language of the Contest.

Financing of the Contest is carried out at the expense of target contributions from participants.

THE MAIN GOAL OF THE CONTEST is to increase the significance of the Russian abroad as a language of international communication, promote the values of Russian culture, support Russian language lovers in the countries of the near and far abroad. 


 Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, and also stateless persons can be the participants of the Contest, including:

– foreign students and high school students: children, teenagers, young people for whom Russian is a foreign language, and bilingual children, studying at schools with Russian as the language of study or at schools with the number of subjects taught in Russian;

– schoolchildren of the Russian Federation, studying at multi-ethnic schools, the Russian language as non-native;

– foreign students studying Russian as a foreign language at higher educational institutions;

– Russian students for whom the Russian is a non-native language and foreign citizens studying at Russian higher educational institutions;

– foreign citizens - amateurs and experts of Russian, learning Russian on their own and showing an interest in Russian culture. 


The Contest is carried out in 2 stages according to tasks developed by the methodical commission of the subject on 4 levels of difficulty ─ A1, A2, B1, B2 in accordance with the European system of foreign language proficiency levels.

The participant of the Contest has the right to choose one of four levels of difficulty of the Contest tasks.

The first stage of the Contest is carried out in remote (distance) form.

The Contest tasks of the first stage of each level of complexity consist of 4 parts and contain 25 questions. The participant will be able to score the maximum number of points – 100, if he answers  all the questions correctly. 60 minutes are given for the first stage of the Contest task of any level of complexity.

The results of stage 1 are summarized by age categories of participants and their chosen language levels Participants who have scored 40 or more points are eligible to participate in Stage 2 of the Contest. The results of the first stage are placed in the participant's personal account.

The second stage of the Contest (final) is carried out both in remote (distance) form and by personal attendance (face-to-face) - on the basis of supporting schools and centers - partners in the regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in accordance with the schedule agreed with the partners and approved by the Organizing Committee. The content of the Contest tasks for the 2nd stage is distinguished by its increased complexity for each of the four levels of the Contest works - A1, A2, B1, B2 in accordance with the European system of foreign language proficiency levels.

Contest tasks of the second stage of each level of complexity consist of 4 parts and contain 25 questions. The participant will be able to score the maximum number of points – 100, if he answers all the questions correctly. 60 minutes are given for the second stage of the Contest task of any level of complexity.

The individual results of the participants and the certificates of participants at the end of each stage of the Contest are posted on the website  in the participant’s personal account.


All participants of the Contest are registered on the website on the page - “International Contest «Russian as a Foreign Language»”.

Individual and group registration is possible.

The registration algorithm is presented in Annex 1. How to participate in the Contest.

After registration, participants are given the opportunity to embark to the tasks of the first stage.

The results of the first stage are specified in the participant's personal account.

To participate in the second stage, participants who have scored 40 or more points apply for participation in the second stage, pay a target contribution for participation in the second stage of the Contest and get access to the tasks of the second stage.


In the framework of the remote (distance) format of the 1 and 2 stages of the Contest, participants perform Contest tasks on computers using the Electronic Testing Complex (ETC), which is available on . On the first day of carrying out the Contest, ETC becomes available for the participants to perform tasks in the online mode.

ETC requires a constant stable connection of a computer to the Internet in the process of performing contest tasks.

Prior the start of the Contest task, the program requests an individual login and password for the participant.

Answers of participants are immediately sent to the server, at the same time the scores are calculated. At the end of the tasks, the final result of each participant is calculated and displayed on the monitor screen.


Applications for participation in Stage 1 of the Contest are accepted from January 10, 2019.

The first stage is carried out from Аugust 03 to June 30, 2021.

Applications for participation in Stage 2 of the Contest are accepted from March 1 to April 14, 2019.

The second Stage is carried out from August 03 to June 30, 2021.

The procedure for carrying out Stage 2 in full-time is determined by a special Regulation, which is published on the website  not later than September 1, 2020.


At the end of each stage, all participants receive an electronic certificate indicating the level of language acquisition and the number of points


The participant confirms his consent to participate in the 1 and 2 stages of the Contest by a target contribution.

The amount of the target contributions is as follows:

for remote (distance) participation in stage 1 -  5 euro;

for remote (distance) participation in stage 2 -  5 euro.

Payment of the target contribution is carried out by the participants during the registration of the application for participation in a certain stage of the Contest by transferring to the account of LLC “Teacher’s House of the Ural federal district”  

for foreign citizens: through the Yandex payment system. Cashier on the website: .

 “REGULATION ON INTERNATIONAL CONTEST «RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE»”, мaterials for preparation, as well as detailed information about the conditions of the Contest, evaluation criteria and options for tasks are available  on this webpage.


Head of the project “International Contest «Russian as a foreign language»”:  phone: +7 (343) 377-65-06.


International Contest «Russian as a foreign language»